Junior Dairy Leader Program

Junior Dairy Leader Program

Application deadline is June 30 of the current year. The eligibility requirements are as follows:

  1. At least 16 but not more than 19 years of age by August of the current year and at least starting their junior year in high school in the fall in which the program begins.
  2. Have potential interest in dairy industry careers.
  3. Can reasonably commit to the program from September of the current year to August of the following year
  4. Are not exhibiting animals at the World Dairy Expo during the current year.
  5. Are not participating in the National Dairy Cattle Judging Contest during the current year.

The committee will select 25-27 of the top applicants by evaluating the quality of written applications, strengths portrayed in letters of recommendation, and personal qualities highlighted in a written essay.

Each delegate will be required to evaluate how dairy industry conferences, workshops, and agricultural tours have enhanced the development of their career opportunities in the dairy industry. These reports will be compiled and delivered in an oral presentation to program sponsors, local extension groups, NYS 4-H representatives, dairy industry leaders, agriservice professionals, and future dairy interested youth. 

A completed application, including letters of recommendation must be submitted by June 30 of the current year to: 

Debbie Grusenmeyer
Cornell University
272 Morrison Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

Junior Dairy Leader Written Application
Junior Dairy Leader Program

Last updated June 17, 2020