Fruit Orchard
Image by Image by Hans from Pixabay

The course is held over 2 weeks and the primary mode of instruction will be online.


How Profitable will My New Orchard Investment Be? Evaluating Capital Investment Decisions in a Farm Business

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, 3:00 PM - Thursday, February 29@ 4:30 PM
  • Friday, March 1, 2024, 3:00 PM - Thursday, March 7@ 4:30 PM

          The purpose of this on-line course is to help you learn to make informed investment decisions for your farm. 

          The focus is on investment decisions that have long-term implications for your business. The course uses an apple farm, Smith Orchard, as an example, but the skills taught in this class are appropriate for any farm business. In this course you will learn to:

  1. Identify possible investment opportunities for your farm.
  2. Use your financial statements, farm financial information, and other data to evaluate your farm's performance and to help prioritize investment options.
  3. Develop an enterprise budget and use your enterprise budgets and partial budget analysis to evaluate the risk and profitability of potential investments.
  4. Use cost-benefit analysis tools that consider the time value of money to help you choose among investment options.

The course is held over 2 weeks and the primary mode of instruction will be online using Moodle. You will have access to instructional videos, written instructions, sample financial information and practice scenarios and on-line forums for discussion. This work can be done at a time and location that is convenient to you. 

Week 1 of the course (February 23-Feb 29)

In week 1 you will learn:

  • How and why to use a structured process to make investment decisions.
  • Identifying the problem to be addressed, generating possible solutions and identifying what information you need to acquire.
  • Gathering data and using farm financial statements and farm financial ratios to help make decisions.

You will have access to videos and resources to learn and practice using the concepts covered. In the zoom session we will consider scenarios and go over questions you may have.

Week 2 (March 1 - March 7)

In Week 2 you will learn

  1. How to develop an enterprise budget and use your enterprise budgets and partial budget analysis to evaluate the risk and profitability of potential investments.
  2. How to use cost-benefit analysis tools that consider the time value of money to help you choose among investment options.

Like week 1 you will have access to videos and resources to learn and practice using the concepts covered. In the zoom session on Thursday we will consider scenarios and go over questions you may have.

Each week will end with a 1.5 hour Zoom session on Thursday from 3:00-4:30, where we will go over key concepts and answer any questions you may have. The Zoom sessions will be recorded if you are unable to attend.

Pre-Registration for Week 1 of the course (February 23-Feb 29) Deadline: February 22, 2024.



Learn More


Elizabeth Higgins
Business Management Specialist


This event is online

Last updated February 6, 2024