Health and Wellness

Worksite Wellness

The resources on this page can help you implement a worksite wellness program that encourages employees to develop and maintain healthy behaviors. This can not only improve productivity, morale, and employee health but it can also have an important impact on your company’s bottom line.

What steps can my organization take to develop a worksite wellness program? 

  • Assemble a wellness committee with diverse representation
  • Look for local partners/best practices
  • Educate staff on worksite wellness
  • Survey/gain input from staff on areas of interest
  • Change the environment - make the healthier choice
  • Set goals and develop a clear action plan
  • Communicate goals to staff
  • Celebrate success
  • Evaluate 

We researched the current and best resources to save you time and energy. Check out our list of over 20 easy worksite wellness activities you can start at your worksite today!


Michelle Leveski
Nutrition Educator II
518-234-4303 x115

Last updated July 10, 2020