Schoharie County 4-H Programs

See all 4-H Program Offerings (PDF)

Earn-an-Animal Program


This program gives 4-H youth (ages 8 to 19) the opportunity to receive an animal to raise and show. Youth learn firsthand the important life and science skills it takes to complete a 4-H livestock project. Species in the 4-H Earn-an-Animal projects are, beef and dairy calves, dairy and meat goats, poultry, sheep, swine and rabbits.

How does it work?
Any Schoharie County youth can apply for a 4-H Earn-an-Animal project. Youth must complete an application, including two reference checks, have a face-to-face interview (with the Earn-an-Animal Committee) and formally agree to care for the project animal. Award winners must be willing to meet the requirements of the 4-H Earn-an-Animal project. Applications are available to print from our website or can be picked up at the office.

How is this program possible?
Area businesses, county organizations and individuals provide financial support for the purchase of the animal(s). Please be aware that the funding of large animals by the 4-H Earn-an-Animal is usually a shared cost with the youth.

What is expected of the selected youth?
Youth are expected to be the primary caregiver for the award animal(s), show at the Schoharie County Sunshine Fair and the Junior Livestock Show (show requirements vary by species), complete a presentation board to be exhibited at fair, and submit 4-H Annual Member Portfolio and Project Records. Participant contracts will specify the requirements. Youth will work with a mentor to find and purchase an animal. A dollar amount will be allocated for the purchase. With a receipt, the youth will be reimbursed for the agreed amount. In some cases the family may have to help cover the cost.

How to apply? Earn-An-Animal Application

For more information, please contact the Schoharie County 4-H office at (518) 234-4303.

Public Presentations

Public Presentations

General Guidelines: The most important part of public presentations is simply making the effort. Presenters are evaluated based on their age and level of experience.

Presentation Length: Cloverbuds (ages 5 to 8): It is recommended that Cloverbuds do a very simple presentation such as a demonstration with 2 or 3 steps or recitation of the 4-H Pledge. Cloverbuds are evaluated for participation only. Cloverbuds are expected to make a presentation between 3 and 5 minutes.

First Time Presenters: Presentations should be at least 5 minutes but no more than 10 minutes. It is recommended that you pick up a copy of the Public Presentations Guide from the 4-H Office.

Experienced Presenters: Presentations must be at least 5 minutes, but it is expected that experienced presenters over the age of 9 will speak for 8 to12 minutes.

A Note on Your Appearance: Clothing should be neat and 4-H appropriate. No flip flops (except as part of a costume), no halter or spaghetti strap tops. All presenters are evaluated for appearance so make sure yours is neat and appropriate for your topic.

Presentation Categories:

Demonstration - the presenter shows and explains how to do or make something. A demonstration may be done as a team of 2, but each presenter must have a speaking role and play an equal part in the demonstration.

Illustrated Talk - the presenter uses visual aids such as a poster, clothing, equipment or an animal. Single presenter only.

Formal Speech - the presenter aims to persuade, motivate, or inform the audience without the use of visual aids. The speech is written in the presenter’s own words, however quotations may be incorporated into the speech. Single presenter only.

Recitation - the presenter delivers a piece of pre-written material using vocal inflection, and body language to deliver the piece. Notes are permitted but it is expected that the piece be memorized.

Dramatic Interpretation - the presenter(s) deliver a re-enactment of a piece of scripted material. Props should be simple and minimal. Dramatic Interpretations may be done as a team of 2 presenters.

Public Presentations Guideline

Last updated February 4, 2025