Growing native plants in your lawns and outdoor space is a great way to help our pollinators and wildlife.
Join Master Gardener Volunteers, Celia Oxley and Mary Ellen Calta to learn about the benefits of growing native plants in your own backyard!
The workshop will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. in coordination with OCCA’s Earth Festival at Milford Central School located at 42 W. Main Street, Milford, NY.
This annual event features a variety of activities, vendors, and programs for all ages.
Please register HERE or by calling 607-547-2536 ext. 235.
Marcie Foster
Horticulture & Natural Resource Educator
607-547-2536 x235 ~ 518-234-4303 x124
Milford Central School
42 Main Street
Milford, NY 13807
Last updated April 18, 2024