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Check out our 4-H Afterschool Program!

Showing & Teaching our crochet skills at the 2017 Sunshine Fair

Showing & Teaching Our Crochet Skills at the 2017 Sunshine Fair

Crayon Art!

Melting Crayons with a hair dryer to create artwork!

Sewing Boxes

The children worked on sewing boxes to store their stuff!

4-H Afterschool

Cornell Cooperative Extension Schoharie, in partnership with Schoharie Central School, provides afterschool programs that serve students in grades K-6. The programs are funded through parent fees.

The goals of the afterschool program are to enhance a child’s desire to learn, to provide experiences for all aspects of the child’s development, and to provide an environment that is relaxed and enjoyable. The program offers a broad range of interesting, age-appropriate activities that integrate what happens in the school day with less formal learning activities. The afterschool program includes 4-H projects, indoor/outdoor recreation, arts, crafts, games, homework helper, and a nutritious snack. In addition, cultural exposure, conflict resolution, and service learning are a part of the education plan to provide character education enrichment and instill life-long skills. 4-H Youth Development Programs use experiential, research-based educational opportunities to help youth develop independence, a sense of belonging, generosity, and mastery.

Enrollment Information

Thank you for your interest in the 4-H Afterschool Program. Please find below the program handbook and enrollment packet. 

Questions may be directed to Susan Salisbury at sms248@cornell.edu, 518-234-4303 x122.

4-H Afterschool Program Handbook

4-H Afterschool Enrollment Packet


New York State has made Child Care Assistance obtainable for more New Yorkers by greatly increasing income eligibility.

To learn more visit:



Susan Salisbury
After School Program Coordinator
518-234-4303 x122

Last updated July 8, 2024